Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What we can expect from Music, Truth and Tunes in the Future

As you who read this have noticed this a fairly new blog that is directed toward music and my, Stefan Henriksson's personal opinions on music and basic news and reviews on what apply to me in the music universe. The genres I am going to focuse into is mostly alternative rock/indie/singer songwriter as much as alternative rock genres such as grunge and punk and also a briefly look on some soul, r&b, classic rock n'roll and good music that apply to me. I like to think of music a medium of art and expression rather than a buisness to make money even though well produced pop albums are being released once in a while, just keep in track and see what will be argued and written about here on 'MT&T'.

What is going to happen in the future on this blog is that I will try to post at least two new album releases every week under the section 'Truth'. I will post news from the music world at least once daily and present a new album under 'Album of Right Now' at least once every week. What I also will try to do to develop this blog is by adding a new element to the page called 'The Quadrophenia Q'. It's going to contain simple interviews with bands and artists who try to make it and that tries to reach out in the musical universe. At least one band will be presented each week as well as personal discussions on theories that music applies to the world such as the post 'The Power of Dylanism Today'.

I would love all the feedback I can get and I am curios trough my passion for music and the interest of a blog like this to see how much this blog can grow and hopefully apply to you all who read this. Welcome to the future of 'MT&T'.

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